“Called the Christ”

“Do not be afraid”
December 17, 2018
“What should we do?”
December 16, 2018

“Called the Christ”

The Gospel according to Matthew 1:1-17

Lectio: What does the text say?

Biblical commentary:
Four women appear in this legal genealogy of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Bathsheba, and Ruth. Three of them were sinners (Gn 38:15, Josh. 2:1, 2 Kgs 11:1) and the fourth was moabite. St. Jerome said in regards to the Lord that he choose this way so that “he who had come for the sake of sinners, since he was born from sinful women, blots out the sin of everyone.”
The Gospels do not expound on the maternal genealogy of Jesus since in the time they were written, the paternal lineage was valued more than the maternal. But according to the prestigious exegete Alejandro Diez Macho, M.S.C., as Elizabeth was a descendent of Aaron (Lk 1:5), Mary also was, since she was a blood relative (Lk 1:36), a descendent of Aaron of the Tribe of Levi, whose first-born were definitely consecrated to God without being previously redeemed. This is what happened with Jesus, who according to the Lucan account, was presented in the temple of Jerusalem, but was not redeemed. The two pigeons were offered only for the purification of the mother (Lk 2:22-24). This Marian Aaronic genealogy of Jesus sheds more light on the genealogical priestly identity of Jesus. Jesus brought together in himself the blood of David which he received from his mother, and the right to the crown, which he received from his adoptive father.
Calculating 3 x 14 generations (Mt 1:17) has a symbolic meaning. Three is the number representing divinity. Fourteen is two times seven. Seven is the number representing perfection. Through this symbolism, Matthew expresses the conviction of the first christians that Jesus came at the time appointed by God. With his arrival, history had reached its fullness.
Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called the Messiah.
After this text, what are the words, phrases, or actions that draw your attention, your interest?

Meditatio: What is God saying to you through this text?

Do I affirm that Jesus is divine and perfect? That he truly comes to rescue us from sin? That with Joseph and Mary, they fulfill the promises of God the Father? What is the feeling that comes to me knowing that this entire journey that has happened up until now so that today I can say something to God?
After the message of this text, what is your meditation, your personal reflection?
Siguiendo el mensaje de este texto, ¿Cuál es tu meditación, tu reflexión personal?

Oratio: What do I say to God?

My God, thank you for gazing upon us, for never forgetting us, because through Christ, your son, you show us how you offer us love, eternal life, and that you fulfill your promises. Thank you for offering us sinners salvation. Blessed be the Lord forever.
After the message of this text, what is your personal prayer?
Include your intentions.

Contemplatio: How do I internalize the Word of God?

“Called the Christ”
“Called the Christ”
“Called the Christ”
After the message of this text, what word, phrase, paragraph, or action helps you to remember this text?

Actio: What do I promise God?

Announce the meaning of the sending of the Son of God to our world and give thanks because, even though we are sinners, God offers us salvation.
After the message of this text, what is the concrete action that God invites you to do?