“You will see greater things than this”

“We have come to do him homage”
January 9, 2019
“They saw where he was staying and they stayed with him”
January 9, 2019

“You will see greater things than this”

The Gospel according to John 1:43-51

Lectio: What does the text say?

But Nathaniel said to him, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.”
Nathaniel answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this.”
After this text, what are the words, phrases, or actions that draw your attention, you interest?

Meditation: What does God say to you in the text?

Through the text, we can perceive the devaluing and incredulity. Many times, we devalue those who do have nothing, those who have nothing to offer more than something very simple and humble, and our trust in them is not great, but many times they bring us tremendous surprises. When we see that they have something that we do not have and which can help us, what is my attitude toward the big and the small, toward the simple and the complicated, toward poverty and wealth, before ignorance and wisdom: a humble, prudent, tolerant, or united attitude? Do I realize that with a positive attitude, of faith, I can see greater things that I never imagined to see?
After the message of this text, what is your meditation, your personal reflection?

Oration: What do I say to God?

I’m sorry, Lord, for the times that I’ve failed, that I have offended you, devaluing, being incredulous, and not letting you help me to have faith. I ask you to feed my life, my humble heart, with mercy, with great faith in you, in believing that you are at my side and that you wish to help me because you love me and that with you I can see all that you allow me.
After the message of this text, what is your personal prayer? Include your personal intentions. Amen. Contemplatio: How do I internalize the Word of God? “You will see greater things than this” (Repeat) “You will see greater things than this” “You will see greater things than this” After the message of this text, what is the word, phrase, paragraph, or action that helps you remember this text?

Action: What do I promise God?

Let us start eliminating the vices of devaluing and incredulity and accept the faith that the Lord offers us because he has seen our needs. After the message of this text, what is the concrete action that will do?