“Get up”

That much he loved us!
January 2, 2019
“He saw and believed”
January 2, 2019

"Get up"

Gospel according to Matthew 2, 13-18

Reading, what does the text say?

After the departure of the magicians, the Angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said: "Get up, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt and stay there until I warn you, because Herod goes to look for the child to kill him. "
Joseph got up, took the boy and his mother by night, and went to Egypt.
Following this text, what are the words or phrases or attitudes that attract your attention, your interest?

Meditation, what does God tell us in the text?

This text makes me reflect on the little ones, on the unprotected, on those who abuse power, on force, and analyzing these "abusers" we realize that they are cowards, that without that power and force they misuse, they do not they are and have nothing, their lives and hearts are empty, they have no mercy and no mercy and consequently they lack "Love". How is my attitude towards the unprotected, the helpless, the little ones? Am I capable of taking actions to protect them, to help them get up, accompany them and take them out of their weakness, of their impotence ?, to whom they abuse What is my attitude?
Following the message of this text, what is your meditation, your personal reflection?

Prayer, what do we say to God?

My God, protect me from anyone who wants to abuse with their attitudes and actions for me, those who want to harm me, give me the strength and faith to defend me, come to protect me from the darkness of which only you with your light can save me. And I also want to be like the angel that protects and helps everyone who needs it, make me your instrument to bring pity, mercy and love, as well as having the gift of approaching the abuser and helping him to understand this attitude and its effects.
Following the message of this text, what is your personal prayer? Each one puts his intentions. Amen.

Contemplation, how do we interiorize the Word of God?

"Get up" (We repeat) "Get up" "Get up" Following the message of this text, what is the word or phrase or paragraph or attitude that helps you remember this text?

Action, to what do I commit myself to God?

Let's look around us who are those who are unprotected, helpless, living abuse and under the power and light of the Lord let us go like angels to give them protection. Following the message of this text, what is the concrete action that invites you to do?